CAVATINA Intercollegiate Chamber Music Competition – Live at Wigmore Hall

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Meraki Quartet
Fortuna Quartet
Fibonacci Quartet
Hirvi Quartet
Bevan Quartet
Treske Quartet

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
String Quartet No. 6 in B flat Op. 18 No. 6

Schedule (GMT+1):
10:00 Meraki Quartet from Royal Academy of Music
10:35 Fortuna Quartet from Royal College of Music
11:10 Fibonacci Quartet from Guildhall School of Music and Drama
11:45 break
12:00 Hirvi Quartet from Trinity Laban
12:35 Bevan Quartet from Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama
13:10 Treske Quartet from Royal Northern College of Music
c.14:00 Adjudication

String Quartets from leading Conservatoires across the UK will be performing for first, second and the audience prize of the CAVATINA Intercollegiate Chamber Music Competition.

Robert Max, cellist of the Barbican Trio will be adjudicating.

This is a great opportunity to watch and support young musicians in the early stages of their professional career.

The quartets will be performing Beethoven’s String Quartet No. 6.

The competition is dedicated to one of CAVATINA’s two founders, the late Pamela Majaro.

We are extremely grateful to The Laurie and Gillian Marsh Charitable Trust for supporting this event.

This concert is part of the CAVATINA Chamber Music Trust ticket scheme, offering free tickets to those aged 8-25

These concerts are free to view but your donations are essential.
We are relying on the generosity of our audience to make these concerts possible. Together we can continue to provide work for musicians and present live music from Wigmore Hall.
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The Wigmore Hall Trust
Account number: 10201186
Sort code: 16-00-30
IBAN: GB33 RBOS 16003010 2011 86
Reference: GIFT

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