John Lennon-Nobody told me … I I saw an UFO #johnlennon #thebeatles #rock #music #UFO

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The lyrics reference the yellow idol in J. Milton Hayes’ poem The Green Eye of the Yellow God. The first stanza of the poem runs: “There’s a one-eyed yellow idol to the north of Kathmandu.”

Another line in the song is “There’s UFOs over New York and I ain’t too surprised”. In the liner notes to his 1974 album Walls and Bridges, Lennon wrote: “On the 23rd August 1974 at 9 o’clock I saw a U.F.O. – J.L.”. May Pang, John’s girlfriend at the time, described the event in her book Loving John, when both of them saw a “saucer-shaped object surrounded by blinking white lights gliding through the sky”.

music youtube, UC6Mo0OfEPYfhyFPgYKM7EjA, SkepticArtist


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