6. Music of the Middle Ages; The Early Motet

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Music of the Middle Ages
An Anthology for Performance and Study by
David Fenwick Wilson
ISBN 0-02-872952-8 Schirmer Books

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Part VI The Early Motet

1. O Maria, maris stella (single-texted three-voice motet) (0:00)
2. O Maria virgo, O Maria, maris stella (double motet) (1:01)
3. Quand je parti (two-voice motet) (2:15)
4. En nom Dieu – Quand voi – Eius in oriente (double motet) (3:45)
5. Trop sovent – Brunete – In seculum (double motet) (4:52)

The HIlliard Ensemble

The earliest motets arose in the 13th century from the organum tradition exemplified in the Notre Dame school of Léonin and Pérotin. The motet probably arose from clausula sections, usually strophic interludes, in a longer sequence of organum, to which upper voices were added. Usually the clausula represented a strophic sequence in Latin which was sung as a discant over a cantus firmus, which typically was a plainchant fragment with different words from the discant. The motet took a definite rhythm from the words of the verse, and as such appeared as a brief rhythmic interlude in the middle of the longer, more chantlike organum.

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