Die Hard Pattern in Conway’s Game of Life Generates Music #computermusic #cellularautomata

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The Die Hard pattern in Conway’s Game of Life is used to generate music.

This pattern is a “spark” that takes 130 generations to completely die out.

The finer details of the Game of Life and the music generation process are explained in the long form video: https://youtu.be/b2SjVwYNr54

This visualization was written in Java using the Processing graphical library (https://processing.org). The audio was generated using Java’s built-in MIDI library (javax.sound.midi).

#music #computermusic #algorithmiccomposition #algorithmicmusic #algorithm #math #cellularautomata #gameoflife #computerscience

music youtube, UCuiNK3mwhlVnxNJNyAcr3iw, AlgoMotion


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