Facebook Back Music Video (Sexyback Parody)

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Sau một ngày học dài, mệt mỏi, Mai Thy vào Facebook để chat và xem hình của nhỏ bạn đi Nha Trang tắm biển. Nhưng khi đăng nhập vào Facebook, cô không vào được. Thì ra nhà nước đã chặn Facebook


After a long day of studying, Maithy was going to wind down by looking at some friends partying photos and playing some Farmville on Facebook.

However, when she tried logging on, she couldn’t.
It was blocked.

Sexys already here. Its time to bring Facebook back.

Bring Facebook Back Campaign
[email protected]

The Vietnamese governments relentless efforts to squash freedom of expression on the internet reached new
heights in early November 2009 with the blocking of Facebook. No more sharing updates, no more fan pages, no more social networking.

In response to this attack on progress and basic rights, a coalition of digital activists today launches a campaign to
Bring Facebook Back. Here are a few simple things that you can do to show your support for Facebook users in

Call to Action:

1) Spread the word, share the knowledge

Bring Facebook Back Music Video
Bring Facebook Back Blog:

2) Demand Facebook access from Vietnams government officials

Call Vietnams Ministry of Information and Communications. Tell them to Bring Facebook Back!
Telephone: +84 (4) 3943-0204
Email: [email protected]

3) Learn and share circumvention methods

How to Circumvent the Firewall to Access Facebook:
http://www.vimeo.com/8008123 (video in English)
http://www.vimeo.com/8365868 (video in Vietnamese)

The Hanoi government must respect the Vietnamese peoples right for expression and immediately cease their
oppression of peaceful opinion and dissent.

We call on all nternet users and Facebook friends to join the fight to Bring Facebook Back to the people of

The “Bring Facebook Back” Campaign

Đem Facebook lại ngay
Dem Facebook lai ngay

music youtube, UCahDbuudX0clX1eYj4p0yXQ, bringfacebookback


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